Hit the Beat & Friends

2012 Germany Tour

Hit the Beat & Friends

Deutschlandtour 2012 von Hit the Beat and Friends – 2500 Konzertbesucher und Standing Ovations

80 Schüler der Waldorf School Windhoek geben in Deutschland sechs Konzerte mit Gonzo N‘Friends sowie fünf Partnerchören. In Berlin, Stuttgart, Worms, Künzelsau und Schwäbisch Hall stehen bis zu 150 Sänger gemeinsam auf der Bühne. Ziel ist die Begegnung und der kulturelle Austausch zwischen Jugendlichen aus Namibia und Deutschland.

Greeting of the Ambassador of the Republic of Namibia, H.E. Neville Gertze, on the occasion of the concert of the Waldorf School Windhoek Choir at the Freie Waldorfschule Berlin Südost on 9 June 2012

Sehr geehrte Lehrer der Freien Waldorfschule Berlin Südost, liebe Chormitglieder aus Namibia, liebe Schüler der Waldorfschule

Südost, liebe Gäste und Freunde Namibias, Ich freue mich sehr, Sie heute als Gäste eines wunderbaren namibischen Abends begrü.en zu dürfen. Ich fühle mich geehrt, zusammen mit Ihnen mit dem heutigen Chorkonzert die namibische Musik wie auch die gute deutsch-namibische Partnerschaft zwischen den zwei Schulen Waldorf School Windhoek and Freie Waldorfschule Berlin Südost zu feiern. Das Konzert “HIT THE BEAT” bietet eine schöne Gelegenheit, die besondere Beziehung dieser beiden Schulen zu reflektieren.

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We are all aware of the social and cultural differences between our two countries. But music is a language in which all people in this world can communicate with each other. Since our approach to the school partnerships is based on friendship, honesty, and equality, the event tonight provides us with another chance to bring people together and exchange ideas. From that, the students but also their families and friends will definitely benefit. Namibia has a variety of choirs singing traditional but also contemporary songs. Many choirs tour around the world, take part in international choir competitions and became an important cultural export product of Namibia. The choir of the Waldorf School Windhoek can also be regarded as a kind of cultural Ambassador for our country which promotes mutual understanding, friendship and a long-term partnership between Namibia and Germany. The “Hit the Beat” project began 14 years ago and was inspired by a student’s idea. A young German 12grader developed the idea to do a drum project. His teacher, Ms Simone de Picciotto, supported that project and began to attend drumming workshops herself. Soon the first drums had been bought and the first drumming group founded. Since then, Simone has been regularly drumming and singing with children in schools. Seven years later, Ms de Picciotto came to Namibia to teach music at the Waldorf School in Windhoek where she continued to work together with her students on the music project. Tonight, we will be able to enjoy the fruits of this intense work, the programme “HIT THE BEAT”, which is already quite known in Namibia. Please, enjoy with me, and be inspired by the rhythm of a young and ambitious choir from Namibia. Thank you!

Voices of Pupils

Staying with guest families in Berlin:
We arrived on the 9th of June 2012 at the Waldorfschule in Berlin. We unpacked our suitcases and one of the teachers there announced our guest families who welcomed us nicely and we then drove home and had dinner with the family. Some of us went out that night to see the city. It was a good weekend, Berlin is amazing and very big, for some of us it took hours to get back to the house. I stayed with Samantha at a girl‘s house that we knew before, which was really nice and made everything easier. Our guest father took time to show us the city and at night Lisa (the girl we stayed with) took us out to Kreuzberg and to the Alexanderplatz, we enjoyed that very much.

Nikita Kinder

The Performance in Stuttgart Waldorfschule Uhlandshöhe:
To start off it was a great experience to have such an opportunity. To be in Germany was a gift I simply appreciate with so much love and joy. Well the performance we had in the first Waldorf school was amazing. We had a hall with great sound, felt warm and welcoming. We met up with Mrs Storm and the Spitta family. The view and the great audience we had made it all the worth while, we were so lucky to have a standing ovation in each performance.

Nade Farmer

Es war ganz schön beängstigend, aber nach ein paar Aufführungen hat man sich wohl an die Aufregung gewöhnt.
Als die Zuschauer mit uns auf der Bühne in Beziehung gegangen sind, hat es richtig Spaß gemacht.

Voices of Guests

Concert in the Mozart Hall in the Wormser Cultural Centre:
I have never seen a school performance with so many talented people before… and I have experienced many!!! There is so much we could learn from them. The children of the Waldorf School have such a good stage presence, no matter where one focusses on the stage – even up to the last row – one could sense that each and every child carried the rhythm from within. Even the teachers impressed me – the connection between the conductors and the learners was fascinating – attentiveness, discipline and despite this ease! They all radiated
happiness and I noted that they were all SELF conscious – excellent!
In the song with the soloist, tears of joy rolled down my cheeks. The girl really moved me. Hats off, especially with what you have achieved with this school in Namibia!!! You can really be proud of this and I am happy that I was able to attend this performance.

Marion W.

Open Air Concert at Hermersberg:
It was a wonderful evening for me. It is truly fantastic what the youth can do, how much joy and enthusiasm could be felt. And the teachers and choir leaders’ engagement was admirable.
